Whole Brain Solutions
Whole Brain Solutions
About Whole Brain Solutions
Most of us live our lives according to our conditioning. Let’s face it: we are creatures of habit, and we generally limit ourselves to what we have always done or thought. But Whole Brain Solutions allow us to access those very aspects of our own brains that have literally limitless potential, that have an inner knowing, that can see beyond the obvious and the immediate, that can heal the past.When both sides of the brain work together, in a synchronized manner, we draw foresight, intuition, and creativity from the right brain and clear logic, planning, and calculation from the left brain.
Whole brain functioning allows us to “wake up” parts of the brain we may not have been using effectively. Talk therapy helps us to feel understood, often giving us insights and new strategies for living, and we all need that at times. But it is a very slow process. We are fortunate to live in an age where newer technologies can offer real and more lasting change, often in a way that is actually easier, quicker, and less emotionally challenging!
These technologies target specific brain states and magnify the brain’s innate abilities, bypassing old, limiting perspectives, and supporting focus, creativity, insight and enhanced abilities. And the good news is…research in neuroplasticity has shown us that new neural pathways are actually established in the brain with repeated stimulation, and thus we actually retrain the brain.
Whole Brain Solutions brings you three primary processes used by Carolyn. Processes are step-by-step methods that anyone can use for self-discovery and self-healing. Yet, one cannot underestimate the value of being guided through these processes with aid of the discernment and wisdom of a seasoned therapist. For more information about working with Carolyn, go to the COUNSELING WITH CAROLYN page on this website. For step-by-step guides to the processes themselves, go to the FREE TOOLS page. To know more about how each of these processes work, read on.
EMDR and the Tapping Process
EMDR is short for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Developed by Francine Shapiro, EMDR uses a very simple principle of “bilateral stimulation,” or stimulating alternating sides of the brain by moving the eyes left and right, tapping left and right, or introducing tones to the left and right ear in an alternating pattern. This interrupts the old neural pathways in the brain and causes us to utilize our whole brain instead of just part of it. It accesses the enormous resources that we ourselves have within us, making available our own wisdom, clarity, peace, and problem-solving ability.
As I work with you using EMDR, I will take you through an eight-step process that is so effective that I have demonstrated it live with any volunteer as I have trained hundreds of other therapists in this technique. Once you have experienced the changes available to you through EMDR, I will teach you a take-home version I call the “Tapping Process” (not EFT) so that you can apply it any time you need to get clarity in your life. You can copy the basic Tapping Process from the FREE TOOLS page.
Hemi-Sync and simple
Whole Brain Processing
HEMI-SYNC provides another whole brain process, and its name is coined from the concept of “hemispheric synchronization,” or bringing both hemispheres of the brain into full functioning. It is an auditory approach, which, like EMDR, stimulates the left and right sides of the brain, and requires listening either through headphones or sitting between two speakers. Unlike EMDR, however, it uses a physical function of the brain called the “binaural beat,” where the brain naturally switches sides left and right when the tones coming from either ear are not exactly the same.
The binaural beat was discovered in the 1800s, but it was Robert Monroe who put that knowledge together with modern sound technology in the 1960s. The advantage of Hemi-Sync is that it can actually target specific brain states, inclusion focused, creative, relaxed, and deep sleep, or beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves. Thus there are Hemi-Sync CDs available for many purposes, such as focusing the mind for ADD and ADHD, creativity, anxiety, depression, meditation, healing, sleep, etc.
Though there are many imitators using a binaural beat technology, Hemi-Sync remains the most highly researched and offers the broadest of options. In addition to targeting the different brain states, the Hemi-Sync technology is available with simple “pink noise” background, an array of music backgrounds, and also in guided meditation and hypnosis formats. Those which I use most with my clients are available as CDs or downloads through this website on the CDS/BOOKS page.
To get the most from your Hemi-Sync, listen to it often; the more you listen, the more it retrains the brain to function optimally. If you are serious about making changes, you can listen for several hours a day for a few months. Some Hemi-Sync requires you to listen sitting or reclining while others can be played while you are working or playing. It has even been used in classrooms and in medical situations. Remember, use a headphone or sit between the speakers, and do not listen to Hemi-Sync while driving or doing anything requiring focus for safety. There are also a number of exercises you can do while listening to Hemi-Sync, a few of which you can find on the FREE TOOLS page. The diagram below, provided by permission from Monroe Institute, shows actual brain maps, or electroencephalograms, of the brain functionally optimally in different brain-wave states:
The Reprogramming Processing
THE REPROGRAMMING PROCESS is another approach to gaining power over your life. It is not a neurological process like the two above, but it brings awareness of your patterns of thought and the types of things you say to yourself that sabotage you. Our beliefs and thoughts determine how we experience our world, and changing them changes our reality.
The Reprogramming Process is a simplified version of Cognitive Therapy that teaches you how to dive deep into the subconscious and weed out harmful beliefs and thoughts that are unconsciously running your life…and change them to empowering and self-supporting thoughts. This is a more gradual training, and is best done with a guide, as our minds tend to mask some of the very patterns that keep us imprisoned in unbeneficial patterns. As you become more and more adept at The Reprogramming Process, you will discover a whole new world of options, opportunities, and self-fulfillment. Go the Free Tools page to copy steps to The Reprogramming Process.
To contact Carolyn, please fill out the entire form.
Here are some of the ways that Whole Brain Solutions, including Hemi-Sync, have been used in Counseling, Education, Medicine and Business:
- Empower clients
- Address issues with greater ease
- Often more effective long-term than drugs
- Improve counseling effectiveness
- Non-drug approaches for PTSD, anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc.
- Disengage from limiting patterns and launch effective resolutions
- Greater ease in dealing with emotions
- Increase problem-solving capacity
- Support for addiction recovery
- Improve student focus and attention
- Enhance creative thinking
- Increase memory retention
- Help children with special needs
- Help those with learning disabilities
- Applications for ADD, ADHD, Autism, etc.
- Increase relaxed receptivity to interventions
- Engage patients in their treatment
- Create a spa-like atmosphere for relaxation
- Speed up healing and reduce pain
- Reduce need for anesthesia
- Specific exercises for cancer and end of life
- Improve team ability to brainstorm and think creatively
- Improve cooperation and win-win perspective
- Enhance leadership skills
- Solve problems more effectively
- Make better choices and avoid wasting resources
For research on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) visit their website atwww.emdr.com.
Some of the research about the benefits of Hemi-Sync are as follows:
Auditory Binaural Beats Enhance EEG-Measured Beta Wave Activity In Individuals With ADHD
Janice Colleen McMurray, MA
Journal | Summer/Fall 2004
Validating Alternative Therapies: ADD/ADHD Study Designs
Martha S. Lappin, Ph.D.
Journal | Fall 2000
Hemi-Sync® Intervention for Insomnia and Immune Dysfunction
Scott M. Taylor
Journal | Fall 1998
Binaural Beats and the Regulation of Arousal Levels
F. Holmes Atwater, BA
Journal Winter/Spring 2009
Using METAMUSIC® in a Therapeutic/Educational Approach to Autism
Berenice Luque
Journal | Summer/Fall 2007
Hemi-Sync® for Children and Young People with Autism and Deep Development Syndrome: New Reports
Berenice Luque
Journal | Winter/Spring 2005
Hemi-Sync® and Autistic Children
Nora Rosen and Berenice Luque
Journal | Summer/Fall 2003
Dying and Death: A Journey of Discovery
Alexandre Chaligne
Journal | Summer/Fall 2006
Group Therapy for Severely Traumatized Refugees with a Focus on Sleep Disorders
Ursula Fürstenwald
Journal | Summer/Fall 2005
Auditory Binaural Beats Enhance EEG-Measured Beta Wave Activity In Individuals With ADHD
Janice Colleen McMurray, MA
Journal | Summer/Fall 2004
Hemi-Sync® and Radiation Oncology: A Pilot Study
Jonathan Holt, MD
Journal | Summer/Fall 2008
Hemi-Sync® Case Studies from a Complementary and Integrative Practice
Dr. Viktoria Mandlin
Journal | Summer/Fall 2006
In his article “Inducing States of Consciousness with a Binaural Beat Technology” (2008) F. Holmes Atwater cites a number of studies which target a binaural beat introduced at certain frequencies on the EEG spectrum, and the clinical results:
Binaural beats in the delta (1 to 4 Hz) and theta (4 to 8 Hz) ranges have been associated with reports of relaxed, meditative, and creative states (Hiew 1995), sensory integration (Morris 1990), and used as an aid to falling asleep (Wilson 1990; Rhodes 1993).
Exposure to audio-guidance training using lower-frequency binaural beats in concert with cognitive therapy resulted in decreased depressive symptoms in alcoholic patients (Waldkoetter & Sanders 1997).
Binaural beats in the alpha frequencies (8 to 12 Hz) have increased alpha brainwaves (Foster 1990.)
Binaural beats in the beta frequencies (typically 16 to 24Hz) have been associated with reports of increased concentration or alertness (Monroe 1985), improved memory (Kennerly 1994), and increases in focused attention in mentally retarded adults (Guilfoyle & Carbone 1996).
Changes in arousal states, attentional focus, and levels of awareness leading to sensory integration (Morris 1990)
Relaxation, meditation, stress reduction, pain management, improved sleep (Wilson 1990 Rhodes 1993)
Enriched learning environments (Akenhead 1993)
Enhanced memory (Kennerly 1994)
Treatment of children with developmental disabilities (Morris 1996)
The facilitation of attention (Guilfoyle & Carbone 1996)
Enhancement of hypnotizability (Brady and Stevens 2000)
Treatment of alcoholic depression (Waldkoetter & Sanders 1997)
Cortico-thalamic adaptation (Atwater 2000)
Lewis, A. K., Osborn, I. P., & Roth, R. (2004) The effect of hemispheric synchronization on intraoperative analgesia. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 98, 553-556.
Van Der Schaar, P. J. (2009). Attention and learning deficit disorders: Impressions of combined treatment with amino acids and Hemi-Sync, TMI Journal, Winter issue.