Whole Brain Solutions
Whole Brain Solutions
Powerful Tools for Happiness
with Carolyn M. Ball, MA, LPC,
counselor, national trainer, and author
You have Unlimited Potential and Power to create a Life You Love! So…RETRAIN YOUR BRAIN
to create Happiness, Love, Success, Freedom, and Heal
Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Addictions and more…
We all have unlimited power and potential…but how do we access it? Our brains are the original computers, and most of us have a lot of mental spam and malware in our internal brain files. Growing up, and at different points in life, most of us were exposed to of certain beliefs and attitudes about ourselves that were limiting…that weren’t loving, empowering, or even true–either from others or from our own interpretations of events in our lives. And since then, we have lived according to that early programming. So, we need to change it! We need new programming for happiness, love, success and freedom.
The answer is simple: Our thoughts create our experience of reality. If you change your thoughts, then your feelings and capabilities also change. It’s that simple. Henry Ford, long ago, said, “If you think you’ll succeed or think you won’t, either way you’re right.” Our challenge, then, is to learn how to make the changes in our thoughts and beliefs that empower our greatest sense of self.
AH, but HOW? It seems as if our brain just has a mind of its own! You try to change those thoughts, and the next thing you know, that old program is running on its own, and you didn’t even realize it. To understand the details of change NOW…read on.
Have you ever heard that we only use 10% of our brains? Well, there’s at least some truth to that: With Whole Brain Solutions (WBS), Carolyn Ball teaches you to access and train those parts of the brain that we don’t utilize efficiently. We have much, much
greater potential to optimize our work and personal lives than we general use!
Whole Brain Solutions offer techniques that are powerful and easy to use–non-drug and non-invasive approaches that can be used by anyone.
1. The EASIEST way to start retraining your brain is through my Hemi-Sync hypnosis CDs that you can get on this website–buy the CD or download. Listen to these CDs WITH HEADPHONES daily for two to four months. The binaural beat of Hemi-Sync imbedded in the music interrupts the mind’s constant chatter, and helps you access the wise parts of the brain that can integrate new thoughts of clarity and self-empowerment.*
2. Purchase or Download some of the Hemi-sync music CDs from this site. You can listen to the music while you are working, playing, on the computer, exercising…almost any time, though not while driving…and the binaural beat keeps working to support getting your mind clear. Notice how you are functioning after a month or so!*
3. Schedule one or more private sessions with Carolyn. Carolyn is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) but also an intuitive counselor. That means she is both trained to help you from a psychological perspective, but that she also has that little bit of extra ability to look into your heart and soul and help you discover what the best next steps are for you. You can work with her for brief coaching, or do depth counseling with her.
4. Schedule EMDR sessions with Carolyn. EMDR is the newest go-to therapy for trauma, although it is highly effective for most stressors, and it helps to retrain your brain very much like Hemi-Sync. It is uniquely useful for problem-solving, but has been specifically successful in the treatment combat and sexual abuse trauma, as well as anxiety, depression, and most emotional challenges. Carolyn will teach you a “take home” version of EMDR that you can do on your own, or she can walk you through it as many times as you like.
Schedule an appointment with Carolyn
To schedule an appointment with Carolyn, go to the COUNSELING WITH CAROLYN page.
*Do not listen to Hemi-Sync while driving or doing other things that require your focus for safety. Some people get a little spacey and very relaxed. Be smart.
photograph of Ms. Ball by William K. Matthias
See About WBS and Meet Carolyn to get more information about the Whole Brain Solutions we offer, and about the work and experience of Carolyn Ball.
See Counseling with Carolyn to find out about scheduling private sessions utilizing the many applications for Whole Brain Solutions, and how she can tailor these tools to your needs to achieve optimal functioning in both your personal and professional worlds.
See Blog for different published articles by Carolyn.
See Testimonials to read what experts in the field and happy clients have said about Whole Brain Solutions as well Carolyn Ball’s expertise in counseling and training with Carolyn Ball.
See CDs/Books to purchase or download powerful Hemi-Sync CDs by Carolyn and others, and to purchase books by Carolyn Ball. She is the author of five books, and also the creator of five hypnosis CDs backed by the Hemi-Sync technology.
See Free Tools to learn some of the most powerful ways to create change using the primary Whole Brain Solutions processes.
To contact Carolyn, please fill in the entire form.